State Farm Short Response Essay

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State Farm Short Answer Responses
1. Why do you want to be a member of the State Farm Youth Advisory Board?
Often youth is subjunctive to lower class status due to individuals’ misconceptions that youth is not capable to take issues seriously. Thus, youth’s mistaken immaturity alienates their opportunity to make the change desperately in our communities. However, this board allows passionate young adolescence to take a stand follow their passions to make a change their community and no longer be some random child with some insane idea. This Youth Advisory Board allows someone like myself, who never gets to chance for her voice to be actually be heard no matter how many times she has to speak. A person, who has literally emailed and emailed …show more content…

Each of these efficiently describe the young female adolescent standing here today through countless trials presented throughout my life. My closet friends have often compared me to a mother due to my tendency to always wanting to take care them by making sure they do their homework, sometimes feeding them, or giving them moral support a mother gives to her child. In addition to being overly motherly, I have often been the one to be extremely bubbly. I would always be the one who gets overly happy over the smallest things from a balloon in my face to seeing a close friend get an a. My extreme happiness often makes people think that I am insane because of how happy I am and how I am never hardly sad about anything. However, being bubbly and motherly are only one part of me, since I also really zealous and obliging. I would always get so committed and focus on one thing that I would literally do whatever it takes to accomplish, whether it is sacrificing a meal or sleep to get it done. My zealous behavior is also fueled by my passion to be obliging to help whoever is in need in my assistance. I will do whatever it takes to make sure to change’s one life for the