Statement Of Purpose For The Arkham Staff

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Well hello to my application to anyone who is reading! My name is Steven, and am 21 years old. I'm from Puerto Rico and have been playing Minecraft for 3-4 years now. It has been pretty much my life since I work in the morning and afterwards am playing Arkham which is my life! Many times there aren't any helpers, mods, or admins on and people get out of hand being racist, spammers, etc. which is something I despise and trying to prevent by being part of the Arkham Staff Team which is something I have been trying to do since Herowars that was managed by KyraDawn69 but we all know that shutdown so I am trying to become staff on Arkham. Why? I would love to be a member of the Staff team because I want to be able to devote my time and effort to …show more content…

Many people have abused the commands they have such as being admins, mods, or helpers on different servers. I will never abuse my power because it is just nasty for people who get mad in chat ban or mute someone without a warn just because they are pissed off at someone who hurt them in some way, shape or form. People may ask what they do but they perfectly know why and how they just want to act like a victim. Staff should respect players also which is something that I will always do as a helper. When I am on Arkham I always help as much as possible by just messaging them or telling the commands to do what they want. I used to be a helper on another very small server which got shut down because it was never growing in size so they shut it down. Anything they want me to do I will do because helper of this server will always be one of my goals but if it isn't for me then I can happily accept that helper isn't for me and remain supporting Arkham. Many admins may think I am not qualified because I haven't spent enough time on forums or Arkham and that need more information on my application but I am very mature to handle the responsibilities I get entrusted with and being able to support the staff team. I can also do more on forums if I get accepted because I am pretty new to the forums but that is because I just made a Arkham account. I have enough experience helping players

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