Stem Cell Injection Research Paper

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Knee stem cell injection
How Can Your Damaged Joint Heal Without Surgery?
The same as it always has, but with the help of MANY more repairmen.
Stem Cells act as repairmen within the body. They live inside all of us in various tissues, poised to leap into action to repair damage as it occurs. But as we age or get big injuries, we often can’t recruit enough of these important cells to fully repair the damaged area. Regenexx Procedures help solve this problem by tapping into an area of high stem cell concentration and precisely reinjecting them into the area of need. Heart and stem cells

Can Stem Cells Mend a Broken Heart?: Stem Cells for the Future Treatment of Heart Disease …show more content…

Nearly 2,600 Americans die of CVD each day, roughly one person every 34 seconds. Given the aging of the population and the relatively dramatic recent increases in the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, CVD will be a significant health concern well into the 21st century.

Cardiovascular disease can deprive heart tissue of oxygen, thereby killing cardiac muscle cells (cardiomyocytes). This loss triggers a cascade of detrimental events, including formation of scar tissue, an overload of blood flow and pressure capacity, the overstretching of viable cardiac cells attempting to sustain cardiac output, leading to heart failure, and eventual death. Restoring damaged heart muscle tissue, through repair or regeneration, is therefore a potentially new strategy to treat heart