Stem Cell Research Ethical Essay

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“Stem cells and derived products offer great promise for new medical treatments,” Mayo Clinic. When an embryo is forming, it starts with a cluster of cells, called a blastocyst. These cells have the ability to become anything that the fetus will need. The cells can divide into more stem cells and have the option to become a specific cell. This new science has been able to aid in discoveries that would not have happened without stem cells, both adult and embryonic cells. Stem cell research is a very controversial topic, because it deals with the ending of a life. Specific people believe that it is robbing the embryo the opportunity to be alive. They have the bias that everything is alive from the moment the embryo starts forming. Others believe that it is not destroying a life, but helping science along. If stem cell research aids in new medical advances and no living human is hurt, then it should be completely ethical.
Embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells …show more content…

An embryo is a collection of cells that the cells do not have any specific coding yet. “Some argue that as long as the decision to donate embryos for research is made after the decision to discard them, it is morally permissible to use them in HESC research even if we assume that they have the moral status of persons,” Andrew Seigle. Using a donated embryo is no different than someone donating their body to science, or being a donner. Humans who have lost all brain capacity, are allowed to be studied and have organs donated. It is the same with an embryo, the cells have no way of thinking or feeling, much like a brain dead person. If the embryo was not used, it would be thrown away, which would be completely taking away its ability to live, Using the cells for research provides a way for the cells to live on, even though they will not all be used to make a