
Step By Step Essay Ap Prompt

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Step by Step Essay
“We will continue onto the essay portion of your SAT, which will be one hour so, put everything away except a pencil.” 1 My fingers fumble and freeze when I try to squeeze everything into my Aztec bag. 2 After the elderly lady distributes the essay packets, my mind rushes with not knowing what’s in the packet, and trying to remember everything my writing teacher, Mrs. Rheker, taught me. 7 “Begin.” 3 Quickly, I rip open my packet to discover I will be writing about NASA. “CRAP! I don’t know anything about NASA! Here goes my future!” 4 Thinking to myself. “UGH! I’ll just think back to IEW! 6 When did we learn about the steps? AHH!” The steps to writing an exemplary essay are to: plan, write, incorporate style, and edit proofread. …show more content…

There are many steps to make sure you plan your paper correctly. 7Determine length. Will it be five paragraphs, or ten pages, or three sentences? 3Quickly decide the length of your paper to make planning easier and organized. 2Once the length is determined, you will need to find a subject, then brainstorm the topics of that subject until you have a decent amount of information. 2After brainstorming, research will be essential as the next activity to do. Determine: what you know by asking who, what, where, why, when, how. What do you still need to know? Research will help with that. 6When all the research is complete, one must select the topics about which to write. 11 Next, you would need to construct a thesis statement, a one sentence summary of the essay which is usually placed in the introduction. This critical statement keeps the reader on track and the writer. 9How or why, are the questions a successful thesis answers. When crafting the thesis, carefully use active verbs, strong word choice, and parallelism (consistent grammatical structure). Avoid universals (all, everyone, none) and superlatives (best and worst). Last but not least, the final step to planning is to organize. A mind map to determine descriptive words, or try a venn diagram to compare and contrast ideas; a list helps with chronological order, pros/cons, outline. Roman numerals for topics, capital letters for sub points. The steps to planning may be time consuming, but the results …show more content…

This is the fun part about writing because this is when the ideas pounding in your brain can splatter on the paper and create something beautiful. 6When writing, you need to use strong words, sentence starters and decorations which will add creativity. 1Dress ups include: ly adverbs, who and which words, strong verbs, strong adjectives, adverb clauses, dual adjectives and verbs. These dress ups add creativity in your paper. 7Look at the next two sentences. The man smiled and scratched his head. 2With a toothless grin, the ancient man shakily dragged his arthritic fingers across his bird’s nest of a hair-do. Now which sentence has style? 3Obviously, the second one, it paints a picture of an old and dirty man. If the author were to add some dialog such as “Hello there, Sonny.” You would probably hear that in your mind in the old man’s voice. Next, sentence starters also add some life to your paper. Sentence starters include: subject verb, prepositional phrase, LY adverb, past and present participle, clausal, very short sentence (VSS), infinitive, dual adjective/adverb, appositive, conjunction, and transition. If you never used sentence starters, your sentences would all start in a similar fashion and would add no variety to your sentences or paper. Compare these sentences: The sky was painted with all the colors of the rainbow. 5Streaked with magenta, sea-blue, and carrot-orange, the sky painted an abstract picture. Now,

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