Stereotypes In Public Schools

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Have you ever thought about how minorities such as black or hispanic people are perceived,treated, and discriminated against in America? How about in schools where they are supposed to learn? Who is to blame for the broadly apparent achievement gap? African American kids in public schools are severely disadvantaged and it 's not all their fault. When you think of a kid in detention or fighting what race do you picture the kid being?
Are they viewed the same as white children? Teachers might just have a shorter fuse or even might be oblivious from the racial discrimination they show.
High school can be a fun place full of opportunities and different races and cultures. However if you’re an African American student it might not be so luxurious due to the lowered expectations. Stereotypes of black students that they’ll either underachieve or distract the other …show more content…

The discipline for kids in public normally follows the same standard: Warning,Talk in hall,and Detention/suspension . what races are suspended most or in detention most? The answer is minorities such as black students who suffer from the social stereotypes of a standard black student. As if they’re destined to be troublemakers “Gotta keep an eye on that kid” This all goes back to implicit bias: referring to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our attitudes towards different things,places,or people. When you hear about illegal immigrants what race do you picture? That’s implicit bias that 's making you picture them. Your past experiences and the environments condition you to think like this. While it might seem elementary to say that everyone knows that not just black kids go to detention and get suspended,well tell that to a kid who grows up in an environment where that’s what is believed. Whether it’s parents and their past experiences or the actual teachers, they have a direct impact on the kids in their house/class. Thus creating a vicious cycle of passive aggressive racism in schools