Stereotypes Essay

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All it takes it one minute for someone to make an assumption of something or someone they see. Stereotypes put labels on how a person should live or act according to their gender, personality, looks, or other factual evidence. Misconceptions are an opinion or views based on faulty thinking due to personal experiences, media propaganda, language, or the lack of information. There are stereotypes and misconceptions because it is a natural response for humans to create schemas for every type of person they see. Relieved and hopeful are what people on welfare feel because they are receiving the assistance they need. Not all of these people receiving help are they “seem” to be. Myths and labels can really change the way people talk with each other, and affect the way they see the world. Every individual whether young or elderly has labels put on them. These labels could be either good or bad. There are stereotypes between individuals, in the media, and in education. There is a lot of psychological …show more content…

In the online article, Ignoring the Cause of Welfare: Not Laziness but Low Wages, Ben Norton claims, “The impression many Americans hold is that people are on welfare because they are lazy.” (Norton). He shows how americans see those on welfare as lazy people. Here he proves how most people in welfare are not lazy and actually work in live in a working household. It is very strange to hear that “many people who complain the most about the “evils” of welfare are actually receiving it themselves” says Danica Johnson in her online article, 7 Common Myths About People On Welfare. Americans assume that people on welfare receive to high of payments, but they indeed are wrong. For example, Johnson claims, “in food stamps: The average benefit per person is $1.50 per meal...most other government assistance programs seek to provide only the barest minimum amount of help that an individual or family needs to