Argumentative Essay: The Welfare And The Welfare System

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Welfare and the Welfare System has long been faulted and praised by the American people. Those who need the help that the government supplies are glad to have it. People who are working and paying their own way think that those who receive welfare are hitching a free ride. There are good arguments on both sides.
The Welfare System was started during the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The depression was in full swing and many in America could not feed their families. Jobs were few and did not pay a living wage. The Dust Bowl in Oklahoma and many other states killed crops and farmers were forced to leave their land. They moved west to find work in the fields of California. The government stepped in to help those struggling people. …show more content…

The money does come from the citizens and not the “government”. Those people who are able to work should work. Those on drugs should not benefit from the work of other people. The disabled, unemployed, under employed, the poor, elderly, and single parents depend on the check that is sent once a month. However, the small amount of that “government check” has to be supplemented by food stamps, and healthcare cost. Everybody that is being helped by welfare are not lazy. They are people like you and me that have hit a rough patch. The role of the United States of America’s government is to support and protect the people. Taking care of those citizens that cannot take care of themselves is part of the big picture of government. In my opinion, the welfare system is the moral duty of the government and the people of our nation. Helping those who cannot help themselves is the American Way. As more senior citizens and young families are struggling to survive it will be the government’s duty to help those who cannot help themselves. The American people have always been generous and kind for the most part. We are always sending aid to foreign countries. We need to take care of our own,