Steve Barton Character Analysis

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Steve Barton is a seafaring barnacle. His life was a life at sea, battered by brine, wicked winds, and scorching sun. Being at the helm of a boat is home for Steve Barton, and when away from his home, the house he lives in reminds me of a dry rock where barnacles and oysters live. Among the numerous qualities of Barton, that of being gruff, humorous, ingenuitive, brutally honest, he is ridiculously cheap and stingy with anything that is made up of matter. All of these qualities surmount to his talented skill of being a teacher and submarine racing coach. Exiting the field of engineering while working for Ford, and entrepreneurship by owning several pizzerias, and being a chairman of the Hernado County Port Authority, Steve Barton found his …show more content…

Scattered around his yard and piled in a semi organized manner in his garage are almost every conceivable piece of useful junk ever manufactured. A labyrinth of motors from dead drills, screwdrivers, yards of wire, scrap pieces of metals, saws, brushes, knives, wrenches, welding equipment, oil, nuts and bolts, pieces of scrap wood, doohickies, wazzlebits, and a multitude of unidentifiable things cover almost every space. His yard has over thirty boats, as small as a dingy all the way up to the size of a one-hundred foot yacht are parked in the water or grass. Steve Barton’s love of the sea and marine vessels has had a ruinous effect on his home away from home, his house. Barton’s house seems like it should be condemned or burned down since it has questionable safety standards. Throughout the rooms of the house, a penetrating damp, and rancid smell of mold fills the nostrils. There are deck boards that quake when stepped on. In fact a pipe leaks water on to your head when someone upstairs flushes the toilet. Once I even went through a board and had a square bruise that circumscribed my thigh. This organization and cleanliness night mare is the humble abode to a seafaring human