Steve Jobs Homeless

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Did you know that Steve Jobs was once homeless? The most powerful person in the business world was once poor? Steve Jobs had once been homeless and a few times he had to sleep on his friends’ college dorm floors. He was so desperate for money he returned the coke bottles for the 5 cent deposits to buy his food (Kate M. Witteman). So how did Steve Jobs transform from a nobody to the biggest business entrepreneur in the world?
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 (“Steve Jobs Biography”). Steve Jobs was adopted by Steve Reinhold and Clara Jobs with step-sister Patty. He was born in San Francisco, CA and raised in Mountain View, CA. Steve Jobs’ real parents were Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali and his biological sister is Mona Simpson. Steve Jobs preferred to do things alone and wasn’t very interested in group sports or activities. He was just 12 years old when he saw his first computer, immediately he knew what he wanted to do as a career in the future.
Jobs saw his friend, Steve Wozniak, trying to build a small computer. After seeing this, he was inspired to get involved. In 1975, 20-year-old Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started up a shop in Steve’s parents’ garage to start Apple. To have money to create Apple, Jobs sold his Volkswagen microbus and Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard …show more content…

Without their loyal friend, Ronald Wayne, there wouldn’t be as many products from Apple, such as the iPad, iPhone, and iMac. Jobs convinced Wayne to take 10% stock in their company. He bought the stock, but 12 days later Wayne backed out and sold the stock for 500 dollars. If he would have kept the stock for about 40 years it would have been worth 72 billion dollars. Ronald should have been more patient and should have believed more in his friends. This tells you that, with great patience, you will receive a great reward (Nick