
Steve Jobs Research Paper

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Born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California, Steve Jobs was an american businessmann and a technology visionary. He was the Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the revolutionary american multinational technology company , Apple Computers Inc.

Alongwith his friend Steve Wozniak, Jobs was one of the first to lay emphasis on creating machines which were smaller, cheaper, easy-to-use and accessible to everyday consumers. Introduction of products lke Macbook Air, iPod and iPhone by Apple has played a key role in development of modern technology.

Some of Jobs' contributions and their impacts are as under :-

• The Macintosh, popularized GUI(Graphical User Interfaces) in machines and led to Personal Computer …show more content…

He was in a league of his own. He was ahead of his time and will always be counted among History's greats.

Why I chose him?

Jobs' life was not a smooth curve towards success. Like all of us, his curve had many irregularities. There were many ups and many downs too. Then what makes him different from most of us?
His perseverance. He loved his job, and kept on working on things until he got it right. He founded Apple when he was 21 and by 30 he had become a legendary figure. And then, he was fired. He felt defeated but stayed firm. 12 years later he cameback and there was victory. From iPod to iPhone to iPad he took his company toward astonishing heights and in the process went on to revolutionize the world of technology. Jobs taught me one of the most important lesson of life. I should never be afraid to follow my dreams. And if someday, somehow I get vaulted out of my home because of failure, instead of looking down and giving up, I should stay persistent and try to work my way up again. There will be many setbacks in life, but if I am passionate and keep on working, everything will be

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