
Steve Jobs: The Benefits Of Pancreatic Cancer

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The Benefits of Pancreatic Cancer
The speech that Steve Jobs gave at Stanford University in 2005, is one that will be remember for generations to come. Steve Jobs is one of the most innovative men of this century. Jobs didn’t just create Apple Computer and Pixar Entertainment, he became an American icon and a role model for young people. The reason for speech was to excite and inspire the graduating understudies to go out into the world and "find what you love," no matter what you think you want to be. In fact, he seems to suggest that living successful, productive life is attainable merely by trusting that everything will turn out right if you follow what you love.
According to Steve Jobs having a high level of education does not guarantee a path to success. He states in his speech, Jobs argues that success is something that you get from abandoning traditional education and follow what their hearts desire. On the other hand, Job’s argument is lively and inspirational to the younger people.Job’s argument that life should be controlled primarily by dreams and imagination is simple and possibly a danger to people who really want to achieve that personal satisfaction which so many of the young people hope for. …show more content…

You could have all the money on the planet, yet a presence lived without reason really isn't a presence by any methods. I feel that we have to get up every morning expecting to contribute something positive to the world. Whether it's going to work or going to class; you have to get out there and find whatever it is that you enjoy. Like Steve said, "no one wants to die," by the end of the day if you can answer the question, "am I doing what I love?" with the direct reply, "YES," then your life is well on its way to deal with being done. Everything is a learning experience; as you grow your failures might be more valuable than your

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