Steve Jobs Vs Jobs Essay

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There is a certain romantic notion to success without a college degree. Entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Helena Rubinstein, and Coco Chanel all crafted their businesses themselves, without earning a degree. However, these entrepreneurs are the exception, not the rule. And, in fact, they are the exceptions that prove the rule. We hear their stories only because they are unique. We don’t hear the stories of those without degrees who did not end up like Gates and Jobs. We choose not to emphasize the successes of those with degrees, as it makes a less interesting story. Mark Parker, Larry Page, Warren Buffett, CEOs who have been successful beyond comparison, all have degrees. The fact is that the idea that college is an unnecessary step to success is unrealistic for most. College, at its core, provides the necessary credentials and skills one needs to enter the workforce. While entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Helena Rubinstein, and Coco Chanel crafted their businesses themselves, a large portion of their success can be credited to chance and timing. No one can guarantee that if John Mackey abandoned his studies in today’s world that he would still be able to co-create the $10 million dollar Whole Foods Market. As such, we cannot--and should not--depend …show more content…

Educated individuals steer the way toward local, national, and global progress (teachers, professors, experimentalists). In order to have a functioning democracy, we need educated voters. Such were the opinions of our Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson, in a 1786 letter to John Wythe, declared, “I think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other sure foundation can be devised for the preservation of freedom, and happiness” (Wyoming Democrats). As evidenced by Jefferson, education was a necessity for a well-run, functioning