Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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Story of an Hour Have you ever said or done something but was interpreted differently? The Story of an Hour happens to be like this with their story because the author included several portions of the story that could be interpreted a different way. When the Mrs. Mallard found out her husband died she cried, her death was declared as a shock from happiness, Mr. Mallard has a heart condition, and Mr. Mallard never got on the train. People had some trouble understanding Mrs. Mallard because they didn’t know how she was actually feeling. Mrs. Mallard scene in the story would be implicit because although she expressed her sadness in front of her sister it wasn’t clear to the rest of the people why she would be happy when she went to her room. While in her room she kept whispering “Free! Body and soul free!” (Chopin). She was glad she would no longer be in control by a husband; although she would be sad at his funeral now that he has died she can finally be herself. However, Josephine thought Louise was depressed the entire time she was locked in her room but that wasn’t the case. Believing this the doctor declared her death as “…heart disease-A joy that kills” (Chopin). Although she did have a heart disease her cause of death wasn’t caused from happiness. …show more content…

In the very beginning of the story, the author states, “Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble…” (Chopin). They wanted to find out the best way to tell her without causing her to die from shock. When Mr. Mallard walked into the door the author stated, “He had been far from the scene of accident, and didn’t even know there had been one.” (Chopin). Mrs. Mallard was already convinced he died and she was ready to start her new life that when she saw him she died. They were trying to prevent from happening at the very beginning when telling her about his