Strategic Planning Interview

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Strategic Planning
Another area that was quite apparent during my interview with Tina was her use of strategic planning in both a managerial aspect, but also in a client based aspect. When asked about one of the most important things that she has learned in her position, Tina said, “Everything is subject to change” (personal communication, April 9, 2018). As Tina continued to describe her use of strategic planning, I was able to connect it with two important elements in the general definition of strategy, plan and perspective (Tschirhart & Bielefeld, 2012). Tina talked about the importance of having a course of action that can be discussed with the clients when they come to her for help. Tina expressed the importance that “There is not a textbook …show more content…

When I asked Tina about the upcoming opportunities in the organization, she was elated to talk about a new housing program. Since providing shelter is the primary goal of Together, starting this new program will allow the organization to peruse their mission even further (T. Murray, personal communication, April 9, 2018). This program will hopefully allow individuals who have a home to get back into it. An example that Tina explained to help illustrate this idea was “Say a child has a fight with their parent and gets kicked out of the house. Instead of having the child stay in a homeless shelter, this program would work to find a solution to help the child get back into the home.” This idea and program of preventing individuals from staying in a homeless shelter is crucial according to Tina because “fewer people who do not have a home will then not be turned away.” This idea aligns with the strategic planning process as Together identified their mission and values, developed plans to further the mission, and are now fulfilling the plans by starting this new pilot program (T. Murray, personal communication, April 9, 2018). Though this project is one of the new opportunities Tina talked about, it was also mentioned when we discussed what challenges the organization is …show more content…

When Tina was discussing the issues with funding, she first described the weakness of the situation because of the difficult and hurdles of trying to obtain funding, such as possible lack of interest from donors. She then mentioned the possible threat of getting funding that has a large number of restrictions associated with how the money can be spent (personal communication, April 9, 2018). Despite funding often being an area associated with negative concepts, Tina talked about some strengths and opportunities in the situation as well, such as getting funding from multiple and a variety of sources (personal communication, April 9, 2018). The ultimate strength and opportunity of this situation would be being able to further the mission of Together Inc. by starting this program. Though Tina did not directly place the components of funding into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the SWOT analysis could still be applied to her response and insights on the