Workplace: Focusing On Stress At Work

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Mia Rakić
Professor Ana Gudelj
Critical Reading and Writing
November 16th 2014
Focusing On Stress at Work
Nowadays, stress is a part of everyday life. The individuals have to face with the events that create negative emotions. Focusing on the negative reactions that are made by a stressful environment may influence the behavior of individuals. Research has shown that stress affects short-term memory. (SOURCE) Many employees in the society, such as teachers, social workers and sellers are facing stress at work by directly working with people. In some working environment, stress is normal in some quantity but in the other side, it affects your physical and emotional health. In addition, sometimes the ability to deal with it can be different; …show more content…

The incidence is higher in jobs with greater responsibility, or in occupations that work with people. For example, the police officers, judges, teachers, health workers, managers...
Some psychological changes can also happen, and people increasingly consider the expediency of life, potentially suicides thoughts and religious beliefs often turn into fanaticism or be totally lost. The consequences of the Burnout syndrome at work is manifested sometimes as cardiac arrhythmias, seizures palpitations, headaches and migraines, as well as high blood pressure or pain in muscles and joints. (ACCORDING TO WHAT RESEARCH)
The economic crisis has reinforced the conditions conducive to burnout: the uncertainty in their own workplace, working environment where workers are forced to longer working hours, doubling shift...
“For workers everywhere, the troubled economy may feel like an emotional roller coaster.” (Jeanne Segal)
“Since job and workplace stress increase in times of economic crisis, it’s important to learn new and better ways of coping with the pressure.” (Jeanne …show more content…

Emotional intelligence at your workplace has four components: „self-awarness“, „self-managment“, „social awarness“, „relationship managment“. (Jeanne Segal)
For constant combat stress is necessary to introduce some changes in life.
First, the rational distribution of time. Learn to organize the day, introduce priorities and at the same time does not burden the golden rule is to be learned.
Second, the most common causes of stress are human relations, of relationships at work to private relationships. All relationships have their legality and techniques which these relations are established. It is good to buy a book about this issue, do not think that you know everything, you can always learn more something new. To know how to create a good relationships is one of the secrets

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