
Stress Management In Hockey And School Work

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When I went to make my log of applying PST I focused it toward my hockey and school work. I am in my last year of hockey and school and I have been very stressed about the amount of things I need accomplish to graduate. The mental skill I chose to work on is my stress management, I plan on accomplishing this by working on my time management skills and making sure I get the right amount of relaxation I need to make sure I do not get burnt out. My normal week is 5 days of classes while being on the ice 3-5 days a week, which is a struggle most weeks. I focused my training on the days that I have both hockey and school. During the week of recording, it was clear that I needed to find time to relax, instead of being on the go at all times. …show more content…

With all the different ways I tried to cope with the stress I found that just sitting down, closing all my work and just taking a few deep breaths was able to calm me down and let me refocus on the task at hand. I tried to apply this tool whenever I had a chance to just sit back and relax. While this was going on I used the self-talk tool to talk some sense into myself pushing, being able to push myself into getting to work because it was such a busy week for me. Both of these strategies were very helpful to me when it came to school and hockey. I seemed to have more confidence on the ice, even if I had a bad shift I was able to come back to the bench and calm myself down, breaking down my mistakes and fixing them instead of letting it affect my play, I made sure that I didn’t take any negative thoughts into my next shift. The logging of my week was very helpful, I saw that there was plenty of time for me to get some things done even if it was just thirty minutes, I found that I just didn’t think I had enough time. In fact, I had plenty of time to get some done and my work load would be easier. Part of my time managing was to show that there were holes in my day where work could be done, whether it be school work or training for hockey. I think most of the issue came from me thinking that there was not enough time and it would just be a waste of time, I would push the work back making my next day even harder than it should have

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