Student Ambassador Application Essay

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So here I am almost completed my first year here at Florida International University, and I couldn’t be happier that I chose this college. So far, it’s been a great experience. I have met amazing new people, I have great professors (especially you Miss Monique), I have become more open and social and I am currently involved in two (2) extra curriculum activities. One of my extra curriculum activities is a Student Ambassador Apprentice Program. This involve me shadowing a student ambassador for the fall semester to learn about their responsibilities and duties and the in Spring, hopefully I will be inducted as an official Panther Ambassador. I am much honored to be a part of this program because I get to meet interesting people and tell them about the great things here that is happening here at FIU. The student Ambassadors hosted their first major event, on Thursday, October 15, 2015, and it was incredible. This event was the Trial of the Torch. Trail of the Torch is an annual FIU event where students get to come out, participate and have fun. It is usually done earlier in the school year but it got cancelled due to weather changes, I am happy it got cancel because then I would not have been a part of it. I did not only attended this event, but I actually helped plan and set up the venue. Trail of the torch took place on the housing quad at FIU. The …show more content…

We had raffles that goes towards the FIU Scholarship Program, and gifts and goodies were given to the winners of these raffles. Students also engaged in games, such as spinning the wheel, bull riding-which was personally my favorite even though I didn’t lasted long on the bull ride and they interacted with other members of the FIU community. There was free foods and pizzas given to all the students that came out and supported our event. There was also other clubs and societies that were promoting their purpose and encouraging students to join and become