Dishonesty In The Digital Age: Why Do Students Cheat

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Student ethics in the digital age is students and their honesty towards cheating in this age of technology. Why do Students cheat, How do they cheat and what is the effect of students cheating. Students will cheat so it is done so that they can say it is done or for to passing the class. Students cheat because they were not prepared and feel as if they must cheat for a good grade. In Alexis Brooke Reddings article, Nurturing Ethical Collaboration, “51 percent of high school students admitted to have cheated on a test while 74 percent copied their friends’ homework”(1). Most students cheat on test because they were unprepared for the test. Students cheat on their homework by copying off of a friends because they did not feel like doing it. …show more content…

Steven Tolman in his article, Academic Dishonesty in Online Courses, says, “The learning outcomes and the structure of the class (online or face-to-face) shape the environment and the structure of the course, which will have an impact on academic dishonesty”(580). Students tend to cheat more often face-to-face but cheating is not absent in an online course; without a professor, students can cheat freely from their phone or notes. All students will cheat at some point and their is no denying that, but what outcome will come from …show more content…

In the article, Academic Dishonesty: Whose fault is it Anyway? By Margarita V. DiVall and Lauren S. Schlesselman, it says that, “77% and 78% of students agree or strongly agree, respectively, that the school effectively manages academic and professional misconduct”(1). The school is being blamed by the students for the students academic dishonesty even though it is the students who are the one cheating and causing the problems. The faculty members are being blamed for the students misconduct. What happens to the students as a result of their