Student Fitness Outline

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The Effects of Fitness I Class on Student Waistline Sizes
Chante Smith

I. Explain the role weight plays in a person’s life

A. Having too much weight is a detriment to a person’s health
1. Interferes with breathing and can lead to failure of heart and lungs (The Science News-Letter, p189)
2. Obesity can lead to diseases such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, excess of certain cancers (Stephenson, M., Levy, A., Sass, N., & McGarvey, W., p61)
B. Staying fit can mean an increase in a person’s quality of life
1. Show greater job satisfaction (Der-Karabetian, A., & Gebharbp, N., p55)
2. More confidence and better physical appearance C. Statistical Facts 1. “4 out of 10 Americans currently weigh at least 20% more than is thought to be optimal for …show more content…

“American children and adolescents aren’t developing exercise and fitness skills that could help them maintain good health as adults (about half may not be getting enough exercise to develop healthy cardio respiratory systems)” (Brandt, Jr., E., & McGinnis, J., p. 1)

II. Define physical fitness and exercise

A. What does it mean to be physically fit
1. “Fitness is…..” (Caspersen, C., Powell, K., & Christenson, G., p. 128)
2. Physical activity and exercise relate to physical fitness
B. What is the best way to lose weight and stay fit (best method of weight loss)
1. There are many different ways to lose weight
• Some ways are healthier than others
2. Reported weight loss methods from High School wrestlers (Lakin, J., Steen, S., & Oppliger, R., p227)
• Give examples
3. NHIS Study (Stephenson, M., Levy, A., Sass, N., & McGarvey, W., p62-64)
• A group of people were surveyed about what method they used to lose weight (62)
• About half reported to use dietary restrictions and exercise