My Learning Experience

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. As semesters goes by, I gain knowledge and I experienced a lot of challenges that strengthen me and boost my confidence as an individual. That is the only attributes that I have when I enter the student teaching program.
I chose Kaong National High School as my cooperating school because it was my Alma Mater. I knew some of the teachers, the heads and the other personnel in the school. I could easily mingle with them. I was surprised because I had my former teacher in mathematics, Mr. Virgilio Garcia as my cooperating teacher. I felt excited and at the same time nervous. I felt excited because it will be easy for me to approach him and I felt nervous because of their expectations. In the first week observation, I got to know the kind …show more content…

It truly helped me to think outside the box as well. I gain a lot of things aside from application of my knowledge, skills and attributes to the individual or student in order to meet their educational needs. I learned that through this experience, I learned to interact and communicate with students, teachers effectively. In addition, knowing how to handle and tackle different issues and be a role model in both actions and words is important. He teaches me to become independent to figure out things on my own especially in dealing with student’s …show more content…

I should facilitate learning by helping the student to gain the necessary skill and to be an active participant on their own learning. As future teachers, I should be encouraging our students to take ownership of their own learning. As a future mathematics teacher, my ultimate goal for my students is to develop the higher level mathematical skills and computing expertise of the students. I will use different techniques to engage the students in their own learning.
I believe our students are our future. Each of our students has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. In fact the teacher has the opportunity to touch the future of every student. So, in order to accomplish that, our mission is to make the environment of the student conducive to learn. Based on what I experienced, the big responsibility when it comes to teaching is to motivate them into actively participate in every lesson. We should enable every student to learn by doing.
I am moving forward in my formal education. I have learned about learning style, strategies and approaches. I already had an almost four months in a classroom in practical training. In that experienced, I became more interested in the field of teaching. I am ready to bring my passion to whatever opportunities I am given. I am looking forward to a great chance to make the lives of some students a better