Study Abroad Personal Statement

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As someone who has always enjoyed trying new things, one of the academic qualities that attracted me to this institution is the Study Abroad program. I have a passionate tendency toward trying new things, such as, when I was only five years old I was playing catch in the yard with my father. I decided that I really enjoyed throwing a ball back and forth, though simple. From then on I decided I wanted to play baseball. Throughout this endeavor, I stayed involved with baseball for nine more years, during both spring and fall. However, once I was in middle school, I decided to pick up some form of a musical art. From then on I was in the middle school band, and orchestra. I played both trumpet and violin while also staying involved in sports (wrestling and baseball) and learning some …show more content…

I've since completed my two years of Spanish and learned some German on my own. During high school, I continued to play violin in the concert orchestra, I also continued playing trumpet with the Plymouth-Canton Marching Band, where in my freshman year we were able to perform as a national finalist at Lucas Oil Stadium. Junior year I finally decided what I wanted to study in college. Once I had made up my mind on Mechanical Engineering, I joined the Robotics team. During my time on the team I learned how to fabricate pieces out of aluminum, read CAD drawings, work with CAD software, wire electronics and pneumatics, as well as program a robot and learn how a computer "thinks". The experience was so enlightening I made up my mind to minor in computer science since I liked coding so much. Finally, once it came time to choose which colleges I was going to apply to, my immediate first thought was the University of Michigan. I read about the engineering programs offered by and it amazed me how high one school could achieve. I set up a college tour of the engineering campus, and whilst there I learned about the study abroad