Substance Abuse Literature Review

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1. Catalano, Hawkins and Miller (2009), found that the most effective strategy for the prevention of substance abuse is risk-focused approach. This approach requires identification of risk factors for substance abuse, identification of methods by which risk factors have been effectively addressed and application of these methods for appropriate high-risk and general population samples in controlled studies. This research involves review of risk and protective factors for substance abuse, assessing of a number of approaches for substance abuse prevention potential with high-risk groups and make recommendations for research and practice.

2. Barrett, Slesnick, Brody, Turner and Perterson (2011) found that combing cognitive …show more content…

Kim and Williams (2014), found that a paradigm shift is taking place in the field of substance abuse prevention directed for youth and there is a need to introduce an innovative approach to substance abuse and other problem behavior prevention that reflects this shift in prevention paradigm. The new and innovative path introduced is youth development and empowerment approach. In this new approach, youths are viewed as assets and resources to our community rather than social problems or community liabilities. The organizing concept of this new paradigm includes: social, economic and public opportunity denied to youth is equal to social problems imposed on youth by …show more content…

Falco (2014), found the key elements for establishing a curriculum for prevention of substance abuse. The curriculum included developmentally appropriate information about drugs, social resistance skills training, normative education, personal and social skills. Interactive teaching techniques and teacher training was included in the curriculum and adequate coverage and sufficient follow-ups were also provided.

16. Douglas and Flay (2015), found that science guides the prevention of youth problem behaviors. Sound epidemiological research is coming to guide preventive efforts. Valid methods of monitoring the frequency of youth problems shapes the preventive practice. Such trends are becoming very common by increasing media advocacy for the use of scientific methods and finding and increased research on the factors that influence the effective implementation of science-based practices.

17. Carolyn and Taylor (2011) found the various programs designed involving teachers and parents to reinforce prevention behavior for substance abuse. The study focusses on various risk factors that could result in inducing behaviors related to substance abuse. If the prevention techniques are implemented properly then chance of young adolescent involved in substance abuse reduces. Thus, parents and teachers play a very important role in reinforcing appropriate behavior in

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