Success Factors Of Bilingual Language

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As the name suggests, the 10 success factors determine the success of your child 's journey becoming bi- or multilingual. You will see that, as parents, we are in control of all 10 of these factors which can give us enormous power. Once you know these 10 factors, it is up to you to put them in place for your children or consciously ignore them, while accepting the consequences.

Success Factor # 1: A clear objective and strategy
Parents who know exactly which languages they want their children to speak, have a higher chance at raising bilingual children than those who just know they want bilingual children with changing ideas about which languages to choose. It is therefore important to become clear about your motives, i.e. what about each language for your child is important to you (e.g. English so my child can speak to his grandparents, Spanish so he can talk to his school friends and German because that 's my husband 's native language). It is equally critical to choose a language strategy and then stick to it throughout your children 's language journey. There are several strategies to choose from. The most common are: OPOL "one-person-one-language", LC "language by context" or ML@H "majority language at home".

Success Factor # 2: Timing
You have probably heard the ground rule before: the earlier you start exposing your children to languages the better. Do you also know why? There are 4 main advantages:

• the earlier you start the