Summary: Christianity Vs. Atheism

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Makalya CrawfordCaris Olander English 9th10 April 2015 Christianity vs. Atheism Is there a right religion? What makes it right? Today there are tons of religions,the most well known beliefs are christianity and atheism. Christianity is the number one religion at 33% of the world populations . Atheism is 14% of the world's population (Harper). Christianity and atheism are very different and at the same time share similar beliefs. Lets start with Christianity, what is the actual definition on Christianity? Christianity is the religion based on the person and teachings …show more content…

Negative atheists, while they don't believe in a god, do not positively assert that no gods exist. Positive atheists, however, do (Urban Dictionary). As you can see there is a big difference between christianity and atheism. One religion believes in God And the other one doesn't think it's credible. Some criticisms that atheist have with Religion is that it gets people to believe something untrue, Religion makes people base the way they run their lives on bogus , they think religion is preposterous.Religion imposes irrational rules of good and bad behaviour, it divides people, and is a cause of conflict and war and they even think it's a waste of time and money. But they don't think it's all bad. Some good things they say about religion are it's like a Religious art and music,Religious charities and good works.Much religious wisdom and scripture,Human fellowship and togetherness (BBC News). Why do people choose to be atheist? Well Many people are atheists because of the way they were brought up or educated, or because they have simply adopted the beliefs of the culture in which they grew …show more content…

Given the great historical attention that has been devoted to it, the 2,000 years' worth of available writing on its many subjects, and its sometimes complex philosophical arguments, Christian doctrine can be an intimidating subject for the beginner. The following articles therefore attempt to summarize the general consensus of Christian beliefs on everything from God to the afterlife, with historical development and denominational differences taken into account as much as possible ( Christianity beliefs).The central teachings of traditional Christianity are that Jesus is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that his life on earth, his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension into heaven are proof of God's love for humanity and God's forgiveness of human sins; and that by faith in Jesus one may attain salvation and eternal lif. This teaching is embodied in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament, but Christians accept also the Old Testament as sacred and authoritative Scripture (infoplease). Christian are portrayed as we have to follow to a book and have to listen and can't miss