Summary: Death, Rebirth, And Reformation

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Death, Rebirth, Reformation, and Exploration
Lisa Ambriz
World History


Death, Rebirth, Reformation, and Exploration
Here is a quick summary of what I will be writing about. Plague, Renaissance, Reformation, Exploration, and the New World. The plague was a deadly disease. The renaissance was a time when people got smarter and started getting more technology. The reformation was when Martin Luther pinned the 95 Theses on the Catholic Church. Exploration was like when Christopher Columbus thought he had found America or when the Spanish took gold from the Aztecs. The New World was when Christopher Columbus thought he found Asia but he really found the United States or the Americas.

Plague …show more content…

This disease wiped one third of the population in Europe. The Plague was also known as the Black Death. This disease was spread from contact and even throughout the air. This disease was deadly. In Europe the disease arrived by sea in 1347. Then the next five years the death would kill more than 20 million people. Early in 1340’s the disease had already had struck most China, India, Persia, Syria and Egypt. Blood and pus came out out of the strange swellings. There was a lot of symptoms. The disease was also terrifyingly efficient. People who were perfectly healthy when they went to bed at night could be dead by morning. This lead to the Renaissance.

Renaissance The origins of Renaissance art can be traced to Italy in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. In the Renaissance there was a lot of artist that started painting and made these paintings more realistic. In this era before there was the plague and a lot of war. All the paintings in this era where religious paintings such as the Virgin Mary or Madonna. Many works of Renaissance art depicted religious images, including subjects such as the Virgin Mary, or Madonna. To this day this art is very famous.

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