Summary: How Did The Course Relate To The Study Of The Administration Of Justice

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How did the course relate to the study of the Administration of Justice?
Successful business people have it; defense and plaintiff attorneys must have it; entrepreneurs need it; and certainly, police officers must have it. ‘It’ is written and interpersonal communication skills. It has been stated that communication is the thread that binds our society together. This course relates to the study of the Administration of Justice in numerous ways. For example, this course provided me with a broad-based approach to communication in the law enforcement profession. Helping identify the communication problems law enforcement agents face in their daily work environment. Studying the oral and written communication barriers that exist and how to correctly overcome those barriers was taught by the course. Also, this course gave me a better understanding of the many types of reports that are done by police officers and the importance of writing in an …show more content…

Writing skills are paramount because police officers write reports; criminologists issue proposals, policy papers and studies; forensics science technicians produce written records of their findings and conclusions; probation officers prepare detailed reports for the court. These are a few examples when written communication is intrinsic to your performance. Any of this written material could be entered into a court of law as evidence. Also, state and district attorneys may decline to prosecute defendants if the original arrest document is wrought with errors of fact or if it reads incoherently.
Reports need to be well organized and written so that they clearly articulate the thoughts you are trying to convey. If they fail to get your point across, they serve no purpose, and your efforts have been done in vain. A poorly written recommendation regarding a piece of legislature or a new policy may be ignored. The reason could be that the report is disjointed and/or