Summary: Implications Of Social Inclusion

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Persons with a disability have implications of access, promoting social inclusion through technologies, employment as well as the justice system. However there are limitations and so social inclusion can be further promoted. At a micro level of society, there are implications of access through technologies to allow social inclusion by providing equipment for persons with a disability. This can help persons with a disability participate in activities that they may be limited to. For example, the Oasis Aquatic and Leisure Centre raised approximately $4000 for the implementation of technologies in the centre, for persons with a disability. These technologies included a cold filtered wheelchair compliant water dispenser, sensory lighting in …show more content…

This can affect life chances as employment is necessary for affordability of medicinal needs, housing, food and education. For example, Nova Employment is a recruitment agency that helps persons with a disability find employment. This promotes social inclusion as it allows persons with a disability to feel a sense of equality by being employed without any prejudice or discrimination, as a person with a disability will get paid the same as a person without a disability. This can allow access to housing, increasing life chances for persons with a disability. It can also enable access to health care, as employment can help affordability of expensive medical needs, increasing quality of life and life chances. This can further promote social inclusion by expanding the service to all suburbs, increasing difficulty for persons who live further away. Another example is of A Step Towards Independence, a childcare centre focused on accessibility for children with a disability. This promotes social inclusion by allowing children to make an easier transition into primary school. This can further promote social inclusion by providing accessibility for children with vision or hearing