Summary Of A Little Tooth By Thomas Lux

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In Thomas Lux’s 1946 poem “A little Tooth”, the use of enjambment or run-on lines can be seen throughout the piece. Here, Lux uses enjambment to carry on a thought or image from one to the next allowing the reader to grasp the intent, though there is not a complete thought present. Too, the flow is reflective of the manner in which the reader or speaker would perceive the peace, adding punctuation and emphasis where they felt it best fits to grasp the concept of the piece. This is evidenced as Lux writes, “Your baby grows a tooth, then two, and four, and five, then she wants some meat directly from the bone” (618) ((Kirszner & Mandell, 2012). Here, the reader is able to surmise that once the child acquires teeth, she will move toward solid