Summary Of Driscoll's Model Of Reflective Practice

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Reflective practice is an important aspect of any profession and is vital in healthcare since review of current procedures/policies can give rise to innovations/development of department protocols. Another significant aspect of reflective practice is self-reflection which in healthcare involves evaluating one’s actions, patient interactions and decisions made during clinical practice, facilitating personal/professional growth. The process of reflection allows adaption of tests to an individual’s needs/requirements as well as providing the opportunity to learn from your own/others experiences through critically evaluating situations. It can also help broaden your understanding when viewing a situation from different perspectives, helping highlight …show more content…

These include Driscoll’s The What? Model of Structured Reflection, Johns’ Model of Reflection and Gibb’s Reflective Cycle.
In Driscoll’s model, he describes reflection as looking into a mirror with the aim of improving yourself while also observing the wider field reflected through the mirror. Driscoll’s reflective structure uses trigger questions “What?”, “So What?” and “Now What?” as shown in (Figure 1). This framework involves describing the event, analysing it and forming an action plan for future (Driscoll, 2011). It is a concise understandable model. However, lacks emphasis on expressing feeling/emotions experienced during an event.
Johns’ model was based upon Carper’s four patterns of knowing, he supports the idea that reflection is the process of enlightenment, empowerment and emancipation which starts from knowing who you are to who you need to be, to achieve desirable practice. Johns’ framework uses cue questions centred arounds 5 key words including aesthetics, personal, ethics, empirics and reflexivity (Johns, 1995), as shown in (Figure 2). This is a more detailed structure than Driscoll’s model with specific questions for