Summary Of High Stakes Testing And Student Achievement

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In “High-stakes Testing and Student Achievement,” by Sharon L. Nichols, Gene V Glass, and David C. Berliner the three give their point of views on how the policy seekers use this method to visual teacher’s and their progress with the students. Yet there is still yet any sort of evidence that shows the students process in their education learning with these sort of high stake testing. It more so shows the statistics of students dropping out of school or not completing the school year on a positive note, but this was not their intention. Julian Heilig, who wrote “As good As Advertised?...” discuss about how the accountability policies being given off with the urban education system properly. Apparently Heilig tells us that the account policies have impacted on students helping and encouraging them to stay in school creating a change on the student’s propaganda. Yet, student did come to a end and in failure to be proved wrong. From these articles I can distinguish that the accountability is big feature, and also a big issue. Testing is still something I see that high stake testing can still work out, it’s just the focus should be more so on learning the content rather than just focusing on what you need to learn. Learning something new everyday isn't just something new you everyday. One should take and grasp the content they are learning.