Case Study Part I: High-Stakes Student Testing

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Part I: High-stakes student testing has challenged many states, districts, and schools across the nation. In some states, students do not advance to the next grade level or receive diplomas without passing standardized tests. What are the validity and reliability issues? What are the consequences of using the scores for making such decisions?
The validity concerns with standardized test are that it can be “valid in one situation and invalid in another” (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010, p. 173). In order to reassure others that the procedures have validity the investigator needs to describe the validity in relation to the context in which the data are collected. The reliability issues are if a test has a countless deal of inaccuracy, then it is unreliable. If the coefficient is high, for instance, “.90, the scores have little error and are highly reliable” (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010, p.179). …show more content…

Standardized tests determine a big decision in their life. Due to their test scores they many feel discouraged to continue their education. For instance, many students may choose to drop out.
Part II: Go through the Quantitative Measurement PPT under presentations. Discuss one possible problem with the validity of standardized tests. In what ways might numerical scores be considered valid and reliable. When might these results not be appropriate, meaningful, and useful? Name one source of error that might result in the non-reliability of standardized tests? How do norm and criterion-referenced tests