Summary Of Is America The Best Country By Dinesh D'souza

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Is America The Best Country? In a portion of Dinesh D’Souza’s book from What’s So Great About America, he writes how America is the greatest country in the world and explains why. D’Souza is from India, which is a third world country, and he expresses how life is so much better here in America than it is in India. His argument is that in America, even a random basic citizen has a good life. There are many opportunities in America and we are very fortunate to be a first world country, but America is not all that it seems to be and is not the best county in the world. America does have it better than Third World Countries. For example, in America our public bathrooms are decent, we have hygienic products, cordless phones, more options in food markets, and other vendors. In most other countries, poor people have no hope, whereas, in America, poor people still have places to live, and sometimes even phones and cars. Being rich in America is not as good as being rich in other countries. This reasoning is because of egalitarianism. This means that people in America, for the most part, believe in everyone being equal and everyone having equal opportunity. D’Souza uses an example of a rich man going up to a homeless man and asking to kiss the wealthy man’s feet for $100, he would …show more content…

Which means that more people are getting laid off from their jobs and the competition to get a job is harder. How can one live comfortably with the thought of possibly getting laid off due to budget cuts or losing job due to the establishment closing? The cost of living is also crazy! Just to rent a run-down apartment in certain areas is really expensive. It is cheaper to own homes down south, but the thing is that most people are getting paid less than they would be getting in the more expensive areas. Talk about being stressed trying to find a place to live in America for a decent price and a job to work that pays