Pros And Cons Of Being An American

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America is the best country in the world or at least all Americans say that, but how does someone truly be American? How to identify if someone is American, is it the white socks we wear or just the fact that every American is twice the size then the average male. How to really be American is a good amount of confidence and “that can do anything” positive attitude. What Americans also do that is different than any other countries is that all Americans have the motivation to pursue their dreams. Americans are big on self representation an American is always express their pride and freedom.To be American could mean a lot of things but one thing that separates from other countries is that Americans tend to prioritize their own individual liberty. …show more content…

Franklin D. Roosevelt states “Even in times as trouble and uncertain as these, I still hold to the faith that a better civilization than any we have known is in store for america and by our example”(Roosevelt). The different of American and other countries is that Americans are pursuing their dreams their putting the work in to benefit them but in other countries most citizens know they have a role in their country, they working for their country not from them. For example Americans are taught to believe that if someone works hard enough they will earn whatever they desire, It makes sense cause America is built on a foundation on capitalism. 58% Of americans believe that if the government stays out of their business and let them pursue their life goals is successful