
Summary Of Life Together 'Wow' By Bonhoeffer

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Life Together “Wow” Bonhoeffer wastes no time identifying with the call and responsibilities within the Christian community. He shares, “The sin of respectable people reveals itself in flight from responsibility” (Bonhoeffer, 1954, p. 11). I found Bonhoeffer’s statement to be very intense. It caused me to reflect on my personal abandonment of responsibility. I questioned if I had ever quit on my responsibilities and if so, what motivated me to do so. What stood out most about the statement was that it regarded respectable people. Good and decent people can flee responsibilities because of sin. It makes one wonder how many great leaders abandoned what was most important because of sin. This speaks volumes to the context of my local church. We have witnessed volunteers missing assignments and actively engaging in absenteeism during crucial serving …show more content…

I was confused when I read Bonhoeffer’s (1954) statement, “The verse for the day is still not the Holy scripture which will remain throughout all time” (p. 50). I agree that a verse of a passage of scripture is not as valuable outside of the context of the Bible. Bonhoeffer’s statement made me ponder my approach towards chapel. I typically expound on a verse or brief passage. Is it Bonhoeffer’s view that I should refrain from doing so? I’ve always been confused about the catholic churches practice of confession. I never understood how a priest was justified to forgive the sins of man. How could he do so if the sins being confessed did not impact him directly? Bonhoeffer (1954) explains, “Therefore, he gave his followers the authority to hear the confession of sin and to forgive sin in his name” (p.111). I would like to see this concept explained further in class. Specifically, what practical applications would benefit my local congregation. Life Together Additional

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