
Summary Of Making A Killing The Business And Politics Of Selling Guns By Evan Osnes

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In the New Yorker article “Making a Killing the Business and Politics of Selling Guns” written by Evan Osnos on June 27, 2016, Osnos believes that it is not ethical for an individual to carry a gun as a source of protection and safety as it can gradually increase crime. Osnos main objective for the article is to spread words that gun regulation should be restricted because it has many disadvantage for Americans, as it can help protect the country and reduce crime. In the article, Osnos introduced many examples of gun regulations by using many credible historical news to gain individual’s trust by creating an emotional effect on the audiences. He also uses the historical event to show both the benefits and disadvantages that armed weapon has …show more content…

In the article: “The story of how millions of Americans discovered the urge to carry weapons—to join, in effect, a self-appointed, well-armed, lightly trained militia—begins not in the Old West but in the nineteen-seventies. For most of American history, gun owners generally frowned on the idea.” Evan Osnos cited a true historical fact that the beginning of people carrying firearms came from militia. Osnos through this incident to make people more aware of the source of civilian firearms, so articles are more detailed and more convincing. By using historical events in the article to create the credibility of the …show more content…

but they will not reduce the impact on the credibility of the article. Since the second Amendment mention that U.S citizens have gun right to protect the United States. In the article, Osnos claimed: “More American civilians have died by gunfire in the past decade than all the Americans who were killed in combat in the Second World War.” Everyone knows that the world war II was the deadliest military conflict in the previous times. However, the number of people who die as a result of gunfire does not actually have a specific figure. The author mentions that the civilians have died by gunfire because of gun. In this article, the author uses a large number of historical facts to prove that guns endanger people's lives. By using the bias, it cites the death of the gunfire to reflect the abuse of guns will cause serious harm to society. They will not reduce the impact on the credibility of the

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