The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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In 1994 The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was released into the United States. Since then, a sufficient amount of anti-gun organizations have been attempting to establish stricter laws on assault weapons. The main reason for stricter laws is the fact that they could be used to harm others. Though assault weapons could be used for destruction, a ban on said weaponry would be accounted for as useless in today’s society.
Whether it be hunting for sport, or just hunting for food hunters tend to use rifles more often than any other type of weaponry. In fact, the most “common firearms are often labeled ‘assault weapons’” (Wallace 2). One rifle in particular is the AR platform, which is used by the vast majority of hunters in sports such as deer hunting. The AR platform is a semi-automatic rifle, which is why it is deemed to be an assault weapon. These semi-automatic rifles are actually weaker than average hunting rifles. …show more content…

There have been many issues due to gun bans such as the District of Columbia v. Heller and the U.S. v. Miller cases. In both cases the pro-gun associates have won, because “The court declared both bans unconstitutional, saying ‘handguns are the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home’” (Ten Reasons Why States Should Reject “Assault Weapon” and “Large” Magazine Bans 13). Through those issues, if the court had not rejected the bans, then gun-owners’ around the country would be forced to be in danger, with only knives and their fists to protect them. On the contrary to popular belief, those who own guns don’t want to hurt others, rather practice a “normal, everyday society where citizens can exercise their civil rights to protect the people we care for and work with” (Wallace 6). Through gun-owners’ eyes, rifles and pistols are their only hope against the