
Summary Of Pennsylvania Teacher Strikes Deserve With Lazy Whiners

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Should Teachers Be Fired for Posting Negative Comments Online About Their Students
In the article, “Pennsylvania Teacher Strikes Nerve With ‘Lazy Whiners’ Blog,” published in the USA Today on the 20 February 2011. Matt Rourke speaks of a high school teacher Natalie Monroe. Monroe is being accused of speaking badly on a social media blog about her students and might lose her job. I do not agree with Monroe’s comments, nor do I agree with the right to free speech on a public forum that everyone can view. She as an educated college graduate took a moral oath as a teacher to uphold what is right and acceptable as a teacher and not to slander the children she teaches regardless of disrespectful, rudeness and lazy whiners. I understand the need to vent out of frustration; however, there is a time and place for venting frustration. …show more content…

The First Amendment was never intended to be used or abused as it is today. This teacher is an adult speaking as a child. She stated in the article, “They are rude, disengaged, lazy whiners. They curse, discuss drugs, talk back, argue for grades, complain about everything, fancy themselves entitled to whatever they desire, and are just generally annoying,” that, my friend, is the explanation of teenagers. Why is Mrs. Monroe a teacher if she finds them annoying? Maybe it is time to change careers. I am sure that elementary or school age children would not be as hostile. I would like to think that possibly that she is not a very skilled teacher to keep the kids engaged in her

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