Summary Of Serial Narrated By Sarah Koenig

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What would you do if an innocent guy is behind bars? The story of Serial narrated by Sarah Koenig is about Hae Min Lee an 18 year old that was murdered in Baltimore, Maryland in 1999. Adnan Syed is accused and convicted of killing his ex, Hae Min Lee. Jay Wild is the guy who´s involved in the crime of helping Adnan hide Hae’s body although the faces no charges. Who´s Adnan? Adnan Syed is an innocent guy that's being accused of the murder of Hae Min Lee. If Adnan was the person to kill Hae it wouldn't make sense, that day multiple events came across making it nearly impossible for Adnan to be at scene of the crime.

The first reason I believe Adnan is innocent is that he didn't have that much time to kill Hae. This reason makes sense because Adnan did a lot of things that day. School ends at 2:15, then he had track practice at 4pm and leakin park is an hour away from Adnan's location and then plus the 21 minutes that took him to kill her. This part of the story is when they come to the conclusion that Hae was being strangled between 2:15 and 2:36. “So sometime in those 21 minutes, between 2:15 and 2:36, she was strangled.” (Episode 1)
This proves that he is innocent because he's obviously going to take forever to get to his car and …show more content…

This reason makes sense because people don't have that much evidence to prove he's guilty of this crime. Most of the people talk about how Adnan and Haes relationship was. This part of the story is when Sarah says that Adnan and Hae relationship was serious. Sarah Koenig states “Hae was Adnan's first serious relationship with a girl.” Episode 1 This reveals that he could be innocent because even though they broke up before Hae’s murder Adnan still cared about her and the was hurt from it. Therefore, Adnan is ultimately innocent because Adnan was couldn't hide what the was feeling towards the death of

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