Summary Of The Carollee Howes Article On Infant Child Care

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In the Carollee Howes article on Infant Child Care she emphasizes that a child who receives unworthy care at home and at their child care facility are those we need to be the most concerned about. The article, in my opinion, made a clear case for child care centers to have highly trained staff with many adults, reduced choirs for the caregivers (aside from taking care of the children), and an environment that catered to infants and toddlers. This would give all children a huge advantage no matter what their home life was like.

In a 0-3 article titled, “Caring for Infants and Toddlers in Groups,” it is stated that it is imperative that the ratio to child be as low as 3:1 for infants and 4:1 for 18 months to three year olds. It also states

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