
Summary Of Three Cheers For The Nanny State

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Infringement on people's civil liberties should be happening in America. We need to take a stand on these infringements. This is the right time to take a stand. If the government is taking away our rights, we have the right to stand up for ourselves and keep our freedoms. In the opinion piece “Sodas a problem but…” the author discusses a ban that the mayor of New York passed. The soda ban is taking away our freedoms. Even if we think soda is just soda, these bans can lead to much more. The government cannot infringe on our civil liberties and personal beliefs. In the opinion piece “Three Cheers for the Nanny State”, the author discusses the ban on soda that the mayor of New York passed. “The intentions of New York Mayor Micheal R. Bloomberg may be laudable, but it’s wrong for one man, even an elected official and even a well-meaning one at that, to dictate to people how big a cup of sugary soda they're allowed.” This quote shows that the mayor passed this law. The quote also reveals how unfair the law is. We can see that our …show more content…

“Is it always a mistake when someone does something imprudent, when, in this case, a person chooses to chug 32 ounces of soda? No.” This quote explains that some people believe that people shouldn't be able to drink large sugary drinks. The quote shows that people believe that soda should be taken away because people are imprudent with it. “When you take away the option to order a soda over a certain size, you have now removed my options. I no longer have a choice that is not what this country is all about.” This quote explains that even though the ban might not be a big deal to people to not be able to order soda of a certain size, the ban is still taking away our rights. Even if people think soda bans won't lead to anything and that they might make us healthier, they are still encouraging our rights to be taken

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