Summary: The Case Against The Death Penalty

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Even though people may say that the death penalty is better than lifetime imprisonment, the death penalty should not be legal because it does not decrease crime rates, it costs a lot more than life imprisonment, and it is immoral. The death penalty is immoral because it ruins families by causing grief, inflicting emotional pain and hurting not just the culprit, but also their families. The death penalty is immoral because it’s against US law itself. It’s against US law itself because it's unfair due to the dependance on how much money the defendant has, the skill of the attorneys, and race. The death penalty goes against US law itself because it creates a racial problem and because it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of …show more content…

The first source supports how the death penalty is against Unites States law itself because it's unfair, it depends on how much money the defendant has, the skill of the attorneys, and race. In the article The Case Against the Death Penalty published by the American Civil Rights Union they state, “The death penalty system in the US is applied in an unfair and unjust manner against people,largely dependent on how much money they have, the skill of their attorneys, race of the victim and where the crime took place. People of color are far more likely to be executed than white people, especially if the victim is white.” The second source also supports how the death penalty is against United States law itself because it creates a racial problem. A study at St. Mary's University Law School in Texas by Professor Jeffrey Pokorak and researchers go into detail in explaining why the application of the death penalty remains racially biased. “The key decision makers in death cases around the country are almost exclusively white men. Of the chief District Attorneys in counties using the death penalty in the United States, nearly 98% are white and only 1% are African-American.” The third source supports how the death penalty is against United States law itself because it’s unjust and it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. The article by the American Civil Liberties Union also