Summary: The Effect Of Age On The Perception Of World Violence

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Stephen McCormick
Ms. Johnson- ASR
1st block A Day
September 7, 2014
Literature Review
When researching The Effect of Age on the Perception of World Violence, it was important to look at how different ages perceive things. Different ages tend to see the world in a different way than the other age groups, and world violence is a topic that all the ages are exposed to. The perception of world violence effects society depending on differing reactions to the violence. The differing perception is due to the way that different age groups process information. With the life centered on social media and the violent video games younger ages may see the world quite differently than adults who receive their information from the news. This really affects …show more content…

This gives an idea about how much violence is actually going on so it can be compared to the perceptions of different ages. A study from The University of Texas gives a background on how much crime is actually happening, and how the general public views it. This study looks at how much violence there actually is at a local, country, and worldwide level. This is coverage of three different areas. It has been found that the media actually misinterpreting a lot of the data they actually show. The media looks at many data sheets and do not fully know how to read and pull what they think they know. This can be very misleading and has led to the belief of false and misinterpreted things (University of Texas). A trend has been set that over the past several hundred years Homicide rates have decreasing. Many of the people view violent shows on TV and on video games and this has led to the belief that there is more violence in the world than there really is. A lot of people gain there perception of world violence through media, but the media often gives information that is not fully true or cover one story with high depth. This leads people to believe that that there is way more violence then there really is (University of Texas). With the new technology so many more people can see the coverage leading all ages to be affected by this growing problem. With the fear that …show more content…

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