Summer @ Brown Personal Statement

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Ever since I can remember, I have always been interested in psychology.
It has caught my attention because the human brain is one of the most unknown, complex and unanswered subjects. My school never taught this subject, so I have always relied on the internet for information. I have tried to learn as much as I can about psychology and the human brain, yet was never able to find rich information. I look at psychology as a necessary tool in understanding people, whatever situation you may be in. It is not only important for being a psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist, but for every other aspect in life. For example, it is useful for a teacher to understand psychology in order to give the students the best education. Psychology is …show more content…

I am eager to learn more about this subject. I aspire to contribute my experiences with dreams with other peers and professors. I also aspire to hear others opinions and involvements with this topic.
Being a native Colombian, I believe diversity is an incredibly important, necessary and useful tool provided to learn about the world in which I live in. I plan on taking advantage of the diverse classroom summer@brown has to offer in order to open my mind further to the world around me. In this program, I hope to explore what exactly sleep is, how it affects our state of mind and the dangers of lacking in rest. I also hope to learn about dreams. Why do they occur when we sleep? Do they have to do with our mental state? Are they trying to send a message? I have many questions about this subject and would love to learn and experience more about this topic.
Another topic in psychology that I am interested in is mental illness, specifically how one develops a mental illness. Is vulnerability hereditary? I am eager to learn more about the science involved, how mental illnesses affect the individual and their family and what they can do to cope with

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