Summer Reading Persuasive Essay

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Did you know that summer breaks can cause children to lose up to one month of academic instruction? This is because of the lack of interest or unavailability to read over summer months. In the article, Summer Reading, the author makes many connections between reading and achievement. Many reasons this happens is because of lack of book access, innovative summer reading programs, and successful reading experiences. One of the many reasons students lose so much instruction in the summer months is because some children do not get much access to books during summer break. From the article, Summer Reading, it states, “when schools close their doors, the opportunity to read is often closed with them, especially for those children without access to books.”. This quote from paragraph 3 is saying that some children who are either underprivileged or struggling with home life don't even get the opportunity to read. Some children only get the chance to read at school using the books provided by the teachers but as soon as the last day comes, they are done reading until school starts back up. …show more content…

Many Libraries around the country set up these summer reading programs to keep students invested in reading, while also having fun doing it. Research from the article, Summer Reading, says, “In addition to literacy related activities, children in library programs benefited academically from story hours, arts and crafts, and other special events designed to enhance the reading experience.”. This information is effective because if students join a local summer reading program at their local library, it would lessen the amount of academic instruction students lose. They also have more fun because it isn't just reading, but