Summer Reflection Paper

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This summer 2016 session has changed my academic writings, in that, a large portion of my professional and pedagogical growth is in result from my English 506 Teaching of Writing class. I have been taught that difference, audience and revision of each assignment that I receive is essential for accomplishing the task at hand. My writing has grown and strengthened causing the entire paper results to be better in the end. For example, the personal goals that I set in the beginning of this course, like; knowing my audience, understanding markers of difference, and knowing how to better revise my writing, were accomplished due to the constructive criticism and guidance given by you, my professor, Dr. Turner. I now feel that in the future I can create …show more content…

I can confidently say that I am a more knowledgeable writer now. I learned that drafting, revising, and editing a paper, article or project is mandatory to finish the paper properly. The most effective tool in learning how to self-review and write my papers was by turning in my position papers on blackboard and getting back, not only a grade – but also, you, Dr. Turner, read each paper and broke down what was wrong, needed to be changed, then included why that was so. Reviewing your constructive criticism and applying changes to my paper, instantly made the papers sound better when reading them aloud. In the beginning of this session, I struggled with engaging an issue raised from one or more of the reading assignments and constructing sentences so that my paper would have a constant flow. All the while, knowing these positions assignments will be evaluated on my critical engagement with the text as well as the conventions of academic prose. This difficulty for me has improved after receiving all of the feedback. As a result my attitude about writing position assignments has developed into confidence. I feel more prepared to take on a writing assignment without any worry as to how I will even begin. We each have our own ways of portraying our thought n feelings on paper, and now mine are better organized and