Suncor Energy's Impact On The Environment

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Suncor Energy Inc. Oil Sands is a mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction facility that belongs to Suncor Energy Oil Sands Limited Partnership. Suncor is a Canadian energy company based in Calgary, Alberta which specializes in the production of crude oil from oil sands. Suncor was the first company to commercially develop the oil sands and currently holds one of the largest positions in the oil sands. In addition to being the fifth largest North American energy company, Suncor is one of the largest independent energy companies in the world. Suncor is committed to delivering safe, reliable, low-cost production, and is a leader in growth, technical innovation, and environmental sustainability. Suncor Energy Inc. Oil Sands is one of Suncor's …show more content…

They may cause health problems varying from dizziness, fatigue, and mucous membrane irritation to cardiovascular and lung disease, or even death.
Suncor recognizes that energy development has a major impact on the environment and human health. Rather than neglect these problems, Suncor has strived to responsibly develop the energy the economy needs by taking air quality, water usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and land restoration into consideration. Suncor has done so by implementing various continuous improvement and environmental management systems to directly minimize their environmental …show more content…

The EIMS supports continuous improvement in emissions reduction and forecasting by providing a better analysis and understanding of environmental data. The system's flexibility also Suncor to address frequently changing, current regulatory reporting standards. The EIMS also supports the requirements of Suncor's Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) for data, documentation, and information management. The OEMS is another one of Suncor's management systems which provides the framework for Suncor to achieve operational excellence by defining and continually improving the reliability and performance of its assets ("Operational Excellence Management System", 2013).The OEMS enables Suncor to enhance safety and reliability, reduce risk, and improve environmental performance.

Suncor has also developed their Environment, Health, & Safety (EHS) policy to further support their mission of reducing their emissions and environmental impact. The basis of the EHS policy is a commitment to a culture of operational discipline which is foundational in achieving safety, environmental, and health & wellness