Supreme Court Cases Influence On The Civil Rights Movement

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Some people fail to see the way that major court cases in the United States history helped shape the way that the government is formed today. People with a black skin tone used to be harassed and treated differently than people with white skin tone simply because of the of the fact that they were colored. Well, that was until the Civil Rights Acts were passed. Three of the Supreme Court cases that influenced the civil rights movement by ruling certain things unconstitutional that were once considered okay: Dred Scott v. Sanford, and Plessy v. Ferguson, and Brown v. Board of Education.

Dred Scott v. Sanford was the first of many extremely influential cases in the United States history. Dred and his wife Harriet Scott fought for freedom from slavery. …show more content…

Ferguson. Plessy was a mixed man who chose to sit in a white section when he was considered to be black. Later on Plessy took his argument to court and was guaranteed that it was now considered, "a crime for an individual to deny the full and equal enjoyment of any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters and other places of public". The end result of this case was the famous 'separate ' but equal saying and the popular whites and blacks only posters. This stuck around until the Brown v. Board of Education case (Plessy v. Ferguson).

A ways down the road from the Plessy case came the Brown. Brown argued that the school systems were unfair and lead to some rather dangerous experiences. Their lives were often endangered by simply trying to get to school. This caused Brown to take his case to court and wound up at the Supreme Court arguing that it is unconstitutional. Luckily Brown won his long battle and it was ordered for the United States to immediately desegregate schools: at a "deliberate speed" (Brown v. Board of