Survival Skills In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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In a life-or-death situation, it is most important to have mental strength because of logical conclusions, prior survival knowledge, and leadership. Having these allows you to make choices that are smarter and allow you to get things done faster. Also, having that leadership skill allows you to lead others and have confidence in darker times. Having prior survival skills can help you know how to do something more , too. For example, in the text The Seventh Man by Haruki Murakami, the author states that “I didn’t run. I stood rooted to the seawall, entranced, waiting for it to attack. What good would it do to run, I thought, now that K. had been taken?.” This shows that even some form of intelligence is being shown he can think even amid a …show more content…

Almost at once, a thin trickle of smoke rose and made him cough. Jack knelt too and blew gently, so that the smoke drifted away, thickening, and a tiny flame appeared..” This shows that they used prior knowledge to make a fire to try to signal for help. It's clear knowledge is key for survival. Furthermore, in the text Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, the author states that “And the next is that Ralph said my hunters are no good. Ralph thinks your cowards, running away from the boar and the beast. And that’s not all. He’s like Piggy. He says things like Piggy. He isn’t a proper chief.” Jack clutched the conch to him. “He’s a coward himself.” This shows that they have the knowledge to persuade and sway the other boys into fighting against Ralph; this requires some thought, and this is another way to survive. Some might argue that strength is more important than intelligence because you can get things done. Yet, what good is strength without prior knowledge to know how to do such tasks, or to get the right materials you need some form of