
Susa The Citadel: A Very Brief Story Of Esther

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Thousands of years ago when King Xerxes reigned, Persia was in need of a new queen. His officers brought up many young women and prepared them to be shown to him. One woman who stood out from the rest: Esther was a strong, courageous, and loyal leader who saved her people from death. She risked her won life for the lives of others. Nevertheless, her duties did not always come easy. There were many difficult moments that Esther had to experience, and sometimes she could not find solutions. However, she gave her troubles to Him, and found peace. In Susa the citadel, Esther lived with her cousin, Mordecai, who took her in when she was an orphan. When she became queen of Persia, she kept her past life hidden in safety of her and her family. She was brave enough to inform him of Mordecai’s encounter with Haman’s plot, and gave credit to him. Esther was loyal to the king and respected his laws. She was intelligent when planning the plot to reveal Haman’s scheme. She showed wisdom, and brought peace to Persia. She also was honest, and spoke out for what was right even if it meant risking the discovery of her nationality. Her selflessness and quick action saved many lives. To this day, she inspires to give all our fears to God, and to trust in Him. …show more content…

Even when she was terrified to confront her identity, she still trusted God. In Isaiah 41:10 it says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Esther opened herself up to God so he could use her to help others. She was willing to risk it all because she knew what was right. When she had heard of Mordecai’s message about questioning the reason she was queen at that time, she replied, “If I die, I must die.” This relates to Isaiah 41:10 because God encourages her to speak out in this passage. She grew less fearful, and rather strengthened with

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